Global Bildung Day bevæger sig kloden rundt på 24 timer med dannelsesprojekter fra alle dele af verden. Fællesnævneren er undervisning for ansvar, lykke og skønhed.
Jordomrejsen begynder kl. 4 om morgenen dansk tid den 21. september. Den bevæger sig derefter kloden rundt i fire etaper:
- Oceanien og Østasien
- Asien og Mellemøsten
- Afrika og Europa
- Latinamerika og Nordamerika
Der er oplæg hele vejen fra New Zealand via Australien, Korea, Indien, Mellemøsten, Afrika, Europa, og Latin Amerika til USA. Og dagen slutter igen den 22. september kl. 4 dansk tid.
I invitationen skriver arrangørerne bl.a.
“The Global Bildung Day, on the September Equinox of 2022, is a worldwide gathering of bildung advocates, experts, teachers, students; all united to support the quality of life, human and nonhuman, through universal education for daily life for all ages. Join us as we define the knowledge and responsibilities that allow us to flourish and live happily.
Cultural and political structures that have long held civilization in place are in upheaval. We are challenged by new technologies, global warming, mass-migration, wars, and more. We need to make sense of the transition that is taking place.”
Hovedpunkter på dagsordenen er:
- Re-balance global educational curricula to include human life education along with professional and civic education.
- Develop holistic education by balancing indigenous and modern knowledge; make it cross-cultural and listen to the unheard voices.
- At a time when we need education more than ever, why are so many teachers leaving education?